Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 25: Missoula, Montana

Dammit. I hardly took any pictures of this show, again! I forgot it in the car! anyways... We drove into town a little early to do a spot on local college radio! We went in to the studio and the DJ of the show had us play some songs off our cd and then did a tiny interview with Jen and with Emily about each of our bands and they plugged the show. We heard on the radio an actual commercial for the show that sounded all funny and slick, with HuggyBear playing in the background(of course). We were playing "Ladies night" at The Palace. So there were single ladies, and dykes, and weird dudes.. a mix of people. Emily's sister lives there though so we had some friends and support! The only thing that bothered me was the constant mention of "girl" bands.. The Dj, The dude that set up the show, everyone kept saying that all night and it was pissing me off! It's kind of a whole thing I probably shouldn't get into but it really sucks to hear that all the time, as if "girl" was a genre, though I guess to some assholes it is.... One thing about this show was that the sound was incredible, probably the best of the whole tour, thanks to the sound guys!

We played with this really good band called Vera

Day 24: Butte, Montana (our show was cancelled in Billings, so we hung out with Emily's parents!)

We stayed with Emily's mom in Butte, Montana (where she is from). It's a really small town, here parents were hospitable, making beds up for us and a beautiful spread of food, homemade wine and beer and cookies! Emily's mom makes natural soap in the basement so everything smelled great and she let us take whatever soap we wanted! We didn't wanna leave really..

Day 23: Pierre, South Dakota was more than we could ever hope for!

Thank you so much to everyone at this show. When we pulled up we thought it looked like a ghost town, but everyone was so nice(and there were a lot of you!) We got fed, we got cake! (made by gillian? I'm horrible with names) I mean people clapped a long to the songs without prompting! It was so fun and welcoming. We got invited to a camp out, but sadly we didn't have the time to go. It sounded really awesome. This might be the highlight so far!

This is what we saw when we pulled in...

It's hard to see but there were a lot of people here

So we met Hannah, now in Ghost Mice, but Jen and I geeked out on here being in the Sissies(one of my favorite bands), hope she's ok with that!

Ghost Mice
This band Heathers: Twins from Ireland who graduated high school like 2 weeks ago..really beautiful

Day 22: Minneapolis with Kitten Forever

I'm sad we didn't get to spend more time here, it seemed promising. It kinda seems like there is a rad riot grrrl scene here. Call Babyguts and Kitten Forever for a good time! There were some fucking chodes here, but there were dudes, like, checking other dudes on their bullshit. Hopefully because they fear the really fierce ladies that run the Pocketknife...

uhmm I can't remember what they were called but it was really good. It reminded us of some of our friends in Phoenix
We played at The Pocket Knife, a punk house which is sadly closing down in a couple months...



Special Milwaukee Bulletin...

In addition to the good time rock and roll fun we had, we also visited the site where Jen's favorite serial killer lived and did his killing. Jeffrey Dahmer!!

The building got torn down a long time ago because no one would live there. I think they are finally going to put something up in it's place. Jen took some gravel from the site..

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 20: Elgin, Illinois

We played at a bar with Lefty Loosie, Les Deux Magots, and Bear Proof Suits. Sorry no pictures! Lefty Loosie are totally rad, we played the show and drove straight to Milwaukee after and stayed with Addie from Lefty Loosie.

Day 21: Milwaukee is fucking amazing!

This is Addie, she was a gracious host and Left Loosie are really fucking good.

Addie took us to a really good pizza place called classic slice..

Sweaty,sweaty basement again. I think we play better in them.

There was a bbq at the house we were playing at, they made corn for the vegetarians. We drank all day, basically..

Jen is like, really hot...
These cute boys are brothers. their band is called Les Deux Magots

Day 19: Chicago last minute show

So our Kalamazoo show got canceled and we made some calls to try and replace the show last minute. Joel's friend in Chicago came through and we got a show at a place called Reggie's Rock Club, which seemed more like a rock empire, with 2 venues, a record store and a bus. It was the kind of place I would have gone to see some industrial band when I was 17. It had really professional lighting and sound, with a big big stage. We felt really weird playing on it.

We basically played to each other, I saw a bunch of girls with heavy eye makeup walk away when they found out the other bands had canceled! We got free food and $1 beers out of it, so it wasn't a total loss. We also got almost a whole day to hang out in chicago, and I'd never been so that was rad!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 18: Tornado warning in Columbus,Ohio

Dude, another show on Frat row! Except this one was really cool. We played with a band called The Young People. They had a really cool basement with a sweet practice space they had built. We had planned on leaving after the show, because we got a last minute show in Chicago that we had to load in at 3 p.m. the next day, but there was a crazy storm with a Tornado warning! Sirens went off and thunder and lightening like crazy!

This poster might have given us nightmares
There were 3 sets of twins at this show! wtf?
inside the house...

Day 17: another cancelled show, Pittsburgh

The problem with playing house shows is that they get shut down a lot, or some roommate doesn't want to have the show at the last minute or some other blah blah blah reason. Luckily we hung out with Joel's awesome friend Theresa who treated us with wonderful hospitality to a fun party at her house. She made us dinner and cocktails! Also she had the cutest pets I'd ever seen. We made a fire in her yard, jael ate a hotdog and Brie roasted marshmallows. We partied so hard we broke her bed, clogged her bathroom sink and broke a cute vintage glass, Damn!! Sorry girl.

This is Theresa, I want my bangs to look like this!
Theresa's house is full of really cute vintage stuff.
The really cute neighborhood we stayed in.
I can't get over these cats!

Lelah is not that into pot.