Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 25: Missoula, Montana

Dammit. I hardly took any pictures of this show, again! I forgot it in the car! anyways... We drove into town a little early to do a spot on local college radio! We went in to the studio and the DJ of the show had us play some songs off our cd and then did a tiny interview with Jen and with Emily about each of our bands and they plugged the show. We heard on the radio an actual commercial for the show that sounded all funny and slick, with HuggyBear playing in the background(of course). We were playing "Ladies night" at The Palace. So there were single ladies, and dykes, and weird dudes.. a mix of people. Emily's sister lives there though so we had some friends and support! The only thing that bothered me was the constant mention of "girl" bands.. The Dj, The dude that set up the show, everyone kept saying that all night and it was pissing me off! It's kind of a whole thing I probably shouldn't get into but it really sucks to hear that all the time, as if "girl" was a genre, though I guess to some assholes it is.... One thing about this show was that the sound was incredible, probably the best of the whole tour, thanks to the sound guys!

We played with this really good band called Vera


Unknown said...

girl band.

mermaid said...

DJ Mermaid uses the term "girl band" with the utmost reverence and sincerity! Really, you 'guys' are awesome and it's fantastic to see women up there on the stage rockin' it...