Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 18: Tornado warning in Columbus,Ohio

Dude, another show on Frat row! Except this one was really cool. We played with a band called The Young People. They had a really cool basement with a sweet practice space they had built. We had planned on leaving after the show, because we got a last minute show in Chicago that we had to load in at 3 p.m. the next day, but there was a crazy storm with a Tornado warning! Sirens went off and thunder and lightening like crazy!

This poster might have given us nightmares
There were 3 sets of twins at this show! wtf?
inside the house...

Day 17: another cancelled show, Pittsburgh

The problem with playing house shows is that they get shut down a lot, or some roommate doesn't want to have the show at the last minute or some other blah blah blah reason. Luckily we hung out with Joel's awesome friend Theresa who treated us with wonderful hospitality to a fun party at her house. She made us dinner and cocktails! Also she had the cutest pets I'd ever seen. We made a fire in her yard, jael ate a hotdog and Brie roasted marshmallows. We partied so hard we broke her bed, clogged her bathroom sink and broke a cute vintage glass, Damn!! Sorry girl.

This is Theresa, I want my bangs to look like this!
Theresa's house is full of really cute vintage stuff.
The really cute neighborhood we stayed in.
I can't get over these cats!

Lelah is not that into pot.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Days 15&16: Boston cancelled, New York awesome

So our show in Boston got cancelled which was a bummer, but it also meant we had some more time to spend in New York City which was cool, save for the fact that we are very low on money. I think the thing that sucked the most about playing here was that it's really hard to store your gear anywhere! The first night poor Joel had to sleep in the van in Brooklyn and it was loud,hot and smelly. Thanks Joel though for securing our stuff! The second night, we stored our stuff in Jaels friends apartment on the 3rd floor! Dude, carrying that shit up 3 flights of stairs when you are a little drunk and way overtired can make you want to cry seriously! Or maybe just me. Jael mostly hung out with some Arizona friends while we were here, so Jen Joel and I went to a bar called the Levee and drank beer and ate ruffles and onion dip! Then we ate sushi with our friend David, then met up with our friend caroline and drank more beer, then went to a Jimmy's diner, drank more beer. Basically this is the story of how we drank beer at various places with various people in New York. Now for the show...
We played at Death by Audio, an all ages venue in Brooklyn and it was rad because I don't think there are too many of those in New York. We played with Used Kids, Beach Patrol and of course Tacocat. I decided to wear a sweaterdress, a bad idea since it was the hottest fucking place ever. A lot of our friends showed up and it ruled.

Grant,Jen,Chris,Jim,Sarah,Caroline. New York represented!

We drank giant beers out of styrofoam at The Turkey's Nest

Death by Audio

I forgot to mention drinking at another bar before the show, we also played some weird hunting video game
We went to Beacon's Closet and Lelah got this awesome dress
Just hanging out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 14: New Brunswick, New Jersey@The Parlor

So I swear I'll have at least some pictures of this show from jen's phone soon. I'm dropping the ball a little, mostly cause I'm getting a little tired and becuase I keep putting the camera somewhere in the van/pit and forgetting it during the show! I will tell you this, The Parlor and the people contained within are very nice and this might have been the most well attended show yet. We played with The Jurks, Used Kids and Hunchback, all of whom were amazing! (i'm not just saying that either) It was an extremely sweaty/gross/fun basement show, Tacocat played first because Emily wasn't feeling well- they were still rad as usual. They pretty much can't do wrong at this point!

Also it should be noted that Jael attempted to eat a burrito and it had water chestnuts and baby corn in it, Gross!!!! we miss california food bad...Who wants to buy Forever burritos when we get back?

Here is a good one of Jen, just so as not to bore you!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Random picture post!! again!

Jen took her pants off for this one...
"Arty rock image"
A look inside the mysterious Tacocat van...

New Orleans, we were really excited about this sign

Baton Rouge

This is from the house we stayed at in Austin.

Days 12&13: Red Lion, Pennsylvania

So we had another day off because we didn't get a show in Richmond but it's totally ok because we don't have that many days off really. I'm a little sad about this post because I could not find our camera at all during this show so I have to wait for Tacocat to give me some pictures! Let me just say this was totally the best show yet, and I'll tell you why: Teenagers! Red Lion looked like some 1940's american small town on a movie set, we played on Main St. at a local guitar shop, RLH guitars. Seriously the entire crowd was average age 17, and they were so polite and fun! They bought stuff,talked to us and asked us billions of questions. we totally felt welcomed. Pariah Piranha set up the show, they were really good, and we were so excited to be around queer people that we did not want to leave even though Tacocat really wanted to get to New York City. Oh! and let me not forget that the owner of the guitar shop sent us away with band care packages containing extra drum sticks,bass and guitar strings,picks and even lozenges for my throat! ughhh, can this get any better? I'll add more when I get the pictures but seriously, the sweetest group of people in the world.

The Mayors Wife rules!(Young people REALLY into Nirvana...)
Here is a picture I found of RLH guitars....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 11: Asheville, North Carolina

This show almost got cancelled because the venue, Gourmet Perks, got shut down a few days ago leaving bands with no place to play. Luckily for us, Caffeind, a local coffee shop let us play the show at the last minute. No local bands played so basically no one was there except a few people. We played first, but then some kids showed up late so we actually played again since no one was there the first time! I'm still not sure if that was annoying and weird, but everyone assured us it was not, and we wanted to try and sell some merch. It didn't work. Thank you to Christine for saving the show at the last minute! The 2nd time we played we ended the show with our cover of Adored and a girl there had us dedicate it to Eva, who was her sister, and they let us stay with them in a really beautiful apartment across the street from the coffee shop. They were all so nice and bought us beer and then got up early and made us breakfast! seriously what sweethearts...Oh! and I found a natural grocery across the street brimming with hippies, I was so excited! I bought kale and yogurt and stuff for the road...!!

The apartment had these really pretty windows overlooking a church
Joel, Christine and Lelah
Some girls came in wanting autographs on their body, but jen made them sign her instead..

The Venue...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 10: Rye Bar with Cars Can be Blue

First we had the wrong address for this show and ended up in this scary industrial part of town....I mean I guess a bar could have huge barbwire fences in front of it right?

This show was rad, Cars Can be Blue were really good, thanks to Becky for letting us stay in her room, and thanks to Mike Turner for setting up the show, making rad posters and showing is the way!!

We ate at a diner, again...
Cars Can be Blue were rad, and Becky was hilarious too. She really looks like our friend Caroline, who is also really funny.

uhmmm drinking before the show..

We got some good pictures of Tacocat last night...