So our show in Boston got cancelled which was a bummer, but it also meant we had some more time to spend in New York City which was cool, save for the fact that we are very low on money. I think the thing that sucked the most about playing here was that it's really hard to store your gear anywhere! The first night poor Joel had to sleep in the van in Brooklyn and it was loud,hot and smelly. Thanks Joel though for securing our stuff! The second night, we stored our stuff in Jaels friends apartment on the 3rd floor! Dude, carrying that shit up 3 flights of stairs when you are a little drunk and way overtired can make you want to cry seriously! Or maybe just me. Jael mostly hung out with some Arizona friends while we were here, so Jen Joel and I went to a bar called the Levee and drank beer and ate ruffles and onion dip! Then we ate sushi with our friend David, then met up with our friend caroline and drank more beer, then went to a Jimmy's diner, drank more beer. Basically this is the story of how we drank beer at various places with various people in New York. Now for the show...
We played at Death by Audio, an all ages venue in Brooklyn and it was rad because I don't think there are too many of those in New York. We played with Used Kids, Beach Patrol and of course Tacocat. I decided to wear a sweaterdress, a bad idea since it was the hottest fucking place ever. A lot of our friends showed up and it ruled.
Grant,Jen,Chris,Jim,Sarah,Caroline. New York represented!


We drank giant beers out of styrofoam at The Turkey's Nest

Death by Audio

I forgot to mention drinking at another bar before the show, we also played some weird hunting video game

We went to Beacon's Closet and Lelah got this awesome dress

Just hanging out.