Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 14: New Brunswick, New Jersey@The Parlor

So I swear I'll have at least some pictures of this show from jen's phone soon. I'm dropping the ball a little, mostly cause I'm getting a little tired and becuase I keep putting the camera somewhere in the van/pit and forgetting it during the show! I will tell you this, The Parlor and the people contained within are very nice and this might have been the most well attended show yet. We played with The Jurks, Used Kids and Hunchback, all of whom were amazing! (i'm not just saying that either) It was an extremely sweaty/gross/fun basement show, Tacocat played first because Emily wasn't feeling well- they were still rad as usual. They pretty much can't do wrong at this point!

Also it should be noted that Jael attempted to eat a burrito and it had water chestnuts and baby corn in it, Gross!!!! we miss california food bad...Who wants to buy Forever burritos when we get back?

Here is a good one of Jen, just so as not to bore you!

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