We played at Circle bar, which according to my dad is a big deal. We were playing with this band from there called Lux,thanks to Greg for letting us stay at his house that night. Joel and Bree are totally alcoholic soulmates and managed to get super wasted, actually almost everyone was super wasted here, people were wandering off, falling in the gutter, passing out- joel was slurring. Joel and lela passed out in the van so we left them in there all night, and there was a crazy scary rainstorm during which Lela took a dump next to a tree stump near the parking lot! We also wandered around the french quarter beforehand and managed to find the only gay diner, that plays diva house music and the cooks and the waiters dance to it, we saw a rainbow flag from far away and followed it there, and it payed off cause the food was cheap too.

Jael and a Grenade!!

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