Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 18: Tornado warning in Columbus,Ohio

Dude, another show on Frat row! Except this one was really cool. We played with a band called The Young People. They had a really cool basement with a sweet practice space they had built. We had planned on leaving after the show, because we got a last minute show in Chicago that we had to load in at 3 p.m. the next day, but there was a crazy storm with a Tornado warning! Sirens went off and thunder and lightening like crazy!

This poster might have given us nightmares
There were 3 sets of twins at this show! wtf?
inside the house...

1 comment:

ohnochriso said...

3 sets of twins has got to be some sort of omen or sign. Something really awesome is probably going to happen to you guys soon. Or really bad. But I am thinking really good since you're awesome and don't deserve no badness.