So this day was just a drive day, we stayed at a hotel in Las Cruces mostly because Jael was getting eaten alive by bugs, but also because we consider ourselves a glam band. We had a 9 hour drive to Austin and of course we got started a little late and drove till about 2 am. This day was especially sad because we hit a Deer. It was the worst thing ever. Jen and I saw it close up as it came out of nowhere and seemed to run straight into our car. We were only going about 40 because we were going through a little town just barely out of Austin. We stopped and checked out the damage on the car, there is a big dent, but fortunately not much was left of the deer on the van.(which was my worst fear afterwords) We didn't go back and see the deer cause we knew it was definitely dead from the way it was hit. Jen drove in silence the rest of the way at about 35mph. I've never been in that situation before and neither had Jen, we were both pretty shook up about it, Joel and Jael held it together pretty well. We arrived at the house of Lew,Drew and Mike that night, got drunk and watched tv till like 5 in the morning, I think everyone needed to chill out before sleep...
This is the dent on the Van...
omg so sad. i hope youre okay.
We are ok, it was really sad though..
deer whistles dood.
I'm glad you all are okay. A deer can seriously fuck up a car and its passengers!
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